Senin, 08 Maret 2010
My Extraordinary Love Story
Just enjoy it.
This is it.
Taylor's POV (all wrote in her POV)
Pagi yang indah dan damai. Yeah, saking damainya aku sampai tidak bisa merasakan kedamaian itu. Yeah, yeah, di rumahku--FYI, it's my parents' house--sedang ada pertemuan (rapat istilahnya) para pejabat Lunabeau yang menjadikan rumahku ramai. Plus tiba-tiba...
"Krompyang!! Prang.. prang.. Dubrak!! Bruk.. bruk.. bruk!! Kyaaaaa!!!" seseorang berteriak dari arah dapur. Dibarengi dengan suara piring, kardus, dan kursi yang jatuh. Tentu saja aku bergegas pergi menuju sumber suara. Dan mendapati seseorang tengah berdiri dengan gemetar, ketakutan, dan berkeringat. Ditambah dengan muka pucat pasi dan mata merah karena menangis. Holy crap.
"Mom, apa yang Mom lakukan di situ?" aku bertanya heran kepada ibuu yang berada di atas meja makan.
"That.. there.. there's.. a.. a.. cockroach, Mac.." ibuku menjawab dengan gemetar. Poor woman.
"Mom, it's just a cockroach. Nggak usah takut." aku berkata dengan sedikit tertawa.
"But.. but.." ibuku berkata dengan terbata-bata.
"Come on, Mommy. It's gonna be okay. I'll tell Bryan to find and destroy the cockroach. Sekarang Mom turun, deh, dari meja. Nanti malu lho, kalo diliatin orang-orang." Aku membujuk ibuku untuk turun dari meja makan. Pelan-pelan dia turun. Thanks God. Akhirnya turun juga.
"Promise me, Mackie, I'll never see that disgusting cockroach anymore. Promise?" ibuku menatapku sambil mengeluarkan puppy face terbaiknya.
"Promise, Mom. Now, mom mendingan balik ke rapat aja, deh. Lagian ngapain sih, mom di dapur?" tanyaku.
"Nggak tau. Mom lupa. Hihi." ibuku cekikikan sambil ngeloyor pergi keluar dapur. Crazy Mommy.
Aku pergi menuju interkom yang ada di tembok, nggak jauh dari meja makan. Aku menghubungi Bryan. Tapi nggak ada jawaban.
"BRYANN!!" Aku teriak lewat iterkom.
"Y.. Yes, Ma'am." jawab Bryan gelagapan.
"What are you doing? What took you so long?" tanyaku marah-marah.
"I did asleep, Ma'am. Sorry."
"Bryan, buat ke-152 kalinya, aku bilangin ke kamu, jangan panggil aku Ma'am. Panggil pake nama aja, Ngerti. Taylor, kek. Apa, kek. Ngerti?"
"Yes, Ma-I mean Taylor."
"Kay. Sekarang kamu ke dapur. Cari kecoa yang bikin Mom teriak kayak mau nglahirin. Buang. Tapi jangan di bunuh. Ngerti?"suruhku
"Yes, Ma'am"jawabnya. "I mean Taylor." koreksi Bryan dengan gelagapan.
"Whatever."kataku sambil meninggalkan interkom, menuju pintu dapur. Dan pergi ke kamarku tercinta.
Aku memikirkan sesuatu. 'Kayaknya ada yang lupa, deh.' pikirku. Shit! Aku lupa ngenalin diriku sendiri. Udah sejauh ini belum perkenalan. Bego banget.
Hai, hai. Aku Taylor. Panjangnya Taylor McKayla Mitchelle-Richardson. 17 tahun. Single. Tampang bule (ya iyalah!). Rambut warna oranye atau vibrant red (di warna. aslinya coklat madu). Mata abu-abu. Tinggi enggak, pendek enggak. Sedang.
Ibuku namanya Axanna Rebecca Richardson. Dari Amerika. Franklin tepatnya. Rambut coklat madu. Mata abu-abu. Hidung mancung. Lebih pendek dari aku.
Ayahku Charlie Raphael Richardson. Dari Swedia. Keturunan Inggris. Rambut pirang kecoklatan. Mata biru. Lebih tinggi dari aku. Orang penting di negaraku. Presiden. Tapi kita sekeluarga suka hidup sederhana.
Terus ada sekretaris setiaku. Bryan. Bryan Stuart Warfare. Asal Florida. Orang tua udah lama meninggal. Pindah ke Lunabeau buat refreshing, tapi diangkat jadi sekretaris pribadi. Punya kakak. Zachary William Warfare. Jadi pengawal pribadiku. Mata coklat hazel. Rambut coklat. Perawakan tinggi, sedikit berotot, dan manis (kata maidsku). 18 tahun. Zac 19.
Lunabeau adalah pulau kecil (seukuran Singapura) di sebelah Hawaii. Nggak ada yang tau soalnya nggak masuk peta. Makanya makmur. Pendiri+penemu: ayahku. Pas liburan musim gugur. Punya 4 musim. Rada aneh juga.
Wuih, capek. Perkenalan 6 orang. 5 orang, 1 benda. Tidur dulu, deh. Capek.
Okay, that was the first post. Little bit suck, but comment it, kay?
I'll gonna post the second part. In Friday, maybe. If I can. So, enjoy it, comment it. I'll appreciate it.
Jumat, 05 Maret 2010
Fic by Myself
Jus wait and see.
The title is My Love Story. I wrote it first in my book. Then I'll post it here.
Just that. For now.
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010
The Only Exception video clip by Paramore
juzz surf on the link below:
I swear to you,, it's a cool video clip!!
Go Paramore!!!
Fan Fiction
Yeah, as you know it's a Josh Farro fan website.
I have read so many fan fictions there. Kinda love it. Hehe.
So if you guys are Joshayley fan, you have to surf in that website.
It's cool there.
BTW, enjoy:)!!
Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010
My template
It prove that I'm a real Indonesian girl.
Haha, just kidding.
Just enjoy my blog!!
P.S.: The Only Exception video is cooool!!!
You go, Paramore!!
Keep great!!
Josh Farro's engagement news!!
So, this is my second post. It's about Josh Farro's engagement news. Yeah, I know. You know it from the title. I hate that actually. But as a good and nice fan, I have to admit it. I have to be happy for them too. But, one question. Why Josh has to be the first to get married?? Answer that if you can. Anyway, congratulation to Josh and Jenna!!!!
And this is what Josh say in It's real!!
I hope everyones doing well! I am enjoying some time off here in franklin and definitely looking forward to the superbowl! Go Saints! Hehe. I've got some news to share with you guys so here it goes..
As some of you already know, I am engaged! So, as weird as it is to stay behind, I need to take some time off to plan the wedding and everything. Because of that I will not be joining the guys on the pacific rim tour coming up. I feel really blessed to be able to take this time off, especially in the midst of this record cycle. The band has been extremely supportive and gracious to me about all of this which has made it a lot easier. Justin York, Taylor's brother, will be filling in for me as a favor. He's an awesome dude, you all will love him. Trust me, I know it's strange having someone "fill in" for me. I dont like it anymore than you guys do, but this is the most important thing in the world to me and I trust you all will understand. The Lord has blessed me with the most amazing woman and for that I am eternally grateful. I can't tell you guys how excited I am to get married! The thought of it blows my mind every day!
I will be back soon! Don't worry! :) I love you guys. Thank you so much for all of your support and love. What you guys do for me and the band is out of this world. No one has fans like us. I shall see you all very soon.
Josh F
What do you guys think??