
Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011



Buat sebagian orang, kata satu ini keramat banget. Kalo kata ini ditujuin buat orang, tu orang bakal marah banget pasti. Mendidih kayak lobster rebus.

Kenapa ?

Satu, karena kata ini berarti bodoh, baladah, dan tidak pintar. Kasarannya, goblok, bego, dsb.

Dua, ....... enggak tahu juga sih. Mereka pada marah gitu. Karena gak suka dibilang bego gitu kali ya?

Yah, pokoknya gitu deh.

Tapi, tahu gak sih, ternyata ditemukan arti lain dari kata "STUPID" ini. Nah, ini dia yang bakal gue bahas hari ini. Pertama-tama, kenapa gue bikin judulnya dikasih titik setelah hurufnya ? Kekekeke.... ada arti dibalik itu semua... kekekeke... *kenapa sih, lu hobi banget bilang "kekekeke"?*

Waktu itu, gue lagi asyik brosing-brosing. Biasa, ngeliatin cowok ganteng dengan amazing chocolate bar-nya. Di situ, gue nge-klik sebuah gambar yang menurut gue cute banget *baca : Dongho* Gue buka website yang memuat gambar itu. Gue baca-baca sedikit, dan akhirnya menemukan sesuatu yang sangat menakjubkan !!!! Oh my god !! Gue sampe jantungan. dag dig dug dag dig dug.... allahu akbar, allahu akbar *stooopp !!! lanjutin aje ceritanye monyong !*

Nah, gue lanjutin. Apa yang gue tulis setelah ini, pure ngutip dari website itu *lupa namanya*.


Yang perlu ditebelin disini adalah arti dari stupid menurut Dongho-ssi tadi. Ternyata gak semua stupid artinya jelek, pemirsa !! Arti menurut Dongho-ssi ini benar-benar membuat saya terkejut !! Saya bahkan memamerkan kata-kata yang bukan milik saya ini ke teman saya !! WAAAAHHH !!

So, apa yang mau gue katain di sini adalah *dari tadi ngapa. lama tauk !* gak usah emosi lagi kalo ada yang ngatain lo "STUPID". Inget-inget aja akronim di atas. Lo hajar balik aja pake akronim di atas. Gue jamin tu orang bakal langsung mingkem kayak dilem alteko. Yah... gak bener-bener ngejamin juga sih. Soalnya, kalo orang yang ngatain lo tadi gak bisa bahasa inggris, ya kagak bakal mempan. Kalo udah gini, cukup akronim itu lo inget-inget aja, buat pembangkit pd lo aja.

Hohoho... gue udah lama gak nulis kayak beginian. Grogi abiiissssss !!!!!!!

Mungkin segitu dulu aja kali ye. Ntar kalo ada bahan menarik lagi, gue bakal posting di sini. Huaaa !!!!! Baby Dongho...!!!!

Umi Sa'adah

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

TIK dan The Confession

tugas gue selese sudah. tiga-tiganya udah gue post, dan kepada Pak R*** [sorry, teacher protection!], mohon diliat blog saya yang sangat mempesona [background-nya. kekekeke..] ini.

selain itu, gue punya kabar baik buat anak-anak Language Department, tentang UAS TIK.
lo-lo semua boleh jejingkrakan kayak super-u-kiss-2pm-junior karena :


entah lo baca postingan ini, ato ngeliat blog ini ato enggak, gue ga peduli. yang penting TIK ga ada yang remidi !!! tapi buat dian nugra**** [another protection program!!], mohon ikut susulan ya neng, ntar ga dapet nilai.

oke. gue pikir gue mulai agak aneh sekarang-sekarang ini. gue ngerasa gue itu jadi nappeun yeoja akhir-akhir ini. wanna know why ? *aniyaa... shirreoo..!!*

1. gue mulai "melupakan" donghae dan kawan2nya *kasar amat buu..* dan melirik 2pm, yang notabene body-nya lebih seksi *no bash, please. just sayin'*
2. setelah 2pm, gue naksir key shinee yang berujung lupa sama 2pm.
3. bosen sama shinee, gue suka lagi sama 2pm.
4. tapi ga lama, shin dongho mulai menarik perhatian gue.
5. terus ngelirik eli.
6. terus kevin.
7. dan akhirnya berujung dengan suka sama u-kiss, yang alhamdulillah sampe sekarang gue belom "selingkuh" lagi *tobat miii... T.T*

sebenernya ada yang kelewatan sih, tapi sengaja karena mereka hanya seneng sesaat.
omygreatgod. what happen to me ?? can anyone give me some explanation why i'm being like a playgirl-fangirl ???

gosshhh... they're just soo~~~ attractive to me.. and i swear to you too, hey dear k-popers..
tell me, what shoul i do ?????!!!!

Umi Sa'adah =]

Digital Library

A digital library is a library in which collections are stored in digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers. The digital content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. A digital library is a type ofinformation retrieval system.

In the context of the DELOS, a Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, and, a Coordination Action on Digital Library Interoperability, Best Practices and Modelling Foundations, Digital Library researchers and practitioners produced a Digital Library Reference Model which defines a digital library as: "A potentially virtual organisation, that comprehensively collects, manages and preserves for the long depth of time rich digital content, and offers to its targeted user communities specialised functionality on that content, of defined quality and according to comprehensive codified policies."

Actually, this document contains a Digital Library Manifesto which introduces the three types of relevant ‘systems’, i.e. Digital Library, Digital Library System, and Digital Library Management System. It describes the main concepts characterising these systems, i.e., organisation, content, user, functionality, quality, policy and architecture. It introduces the main roles that actors may play within digital libraries, i.e., end-user, manager and software developer. Finally, it describes the reference frameworks needed to clarify the DL universe at different levels of abstraction, i.e., the Digital Library Reference Model and the Digital Library Reference Architecture.

The first use of the term digital library in print may have been in a 1988 report to the Corporation for National Research Initatives. The termdigital libraries was first popularized by the NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital Libraries Initiative in 1994. These draw heavily on As We May Think by Vannevar Bush in 1945, which set out a vision not in terms of technology, but user experience. The term virtual library was initially used interchangeably with digital library, but is now primarily used for libraries that are virtual in other senses (such as libraries which aggregate distributed content).

A distinction is often made between content that was created in a digital format, known as born digital, and information that has been converted from a physical medium, e.g., paper, by digitizing. The term hybrid library is sometimes used for libraries that have both physical collections and digital collections. For example, American Memory is a digital library within the Library of Congress. Some important digital libraries also serve as long term archives, for example, the Eprint arXiv, and the Internet Archive.

In-Car Internet

BMW has unveiled a prototype Connected Drive at the 2008 Geneva Motor Show, which is being held from 06 Mar 2008 – 16 Mar 2008. So what exactly is Connected Drive? It is a system that will allow drivers and passengers to surf online whilst traveling. But hold on, you can surf ONLY and ONLY when your car is NOT in motion. This surely makes sense or else the technology would have served to be quite a risk for the pedestrians.

Coming back to this highly innovative technology, the device can hit any URL, along with a string of custom favorites, and then display the result in the iDrive panel in the center of the dashboard.

The system is controlled with the iDrive controller, which when moved reflects a move of the cursor on the screen, while pressing it down acts as a left-button mouse click. What’s more, one can zoom into web pages as well by a factor of 1.5 or 2.0.

According to Technoride, while Connected Drive works on EDGE technology, BMW reformats pages on their own servers and then sends them to the car display. Users can also send and receive e-mails from the car, and in the future they would perhaps be able to access online banking sites too.

BMW claims that the display’s resolution is comparable to that on standard laptops

The latest BMW ConnectedDrive will be available as an option in all BMW models and its costs will be covered through a flat-rate plan. It will be available by anytime this year itself.