
Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

About : When It Rains

So, about the fic. Well, honestly I have a bunch of ideas but don't know what to do about them all. And this fic is just simply neglected like others because... well, I don't know what to write. I lost the feels to write since long time ago and currently working out to get it back. I need those feels to write because if not, I won't be able to write. I need a booster, and college is DEFINITELY not a correct booster.

I need feels. I need ideas. Please.

Oh, by the way, would you please share your opinion(s) on my hunhan drabble? I made out of craziness between college and life, and feels. God, I'm in DESPERATE need of feels right now.

Alright, skip that.

Anyway, the title is "When You Were My Man", briefly inspired by Bruno Mars' "When I Was Your Man" and my friend  and I's argument about how stupid Luhan is for leaving Sehun for a very cute baozi named Xiumin. Haha. I'm a Xiuhan shipper, while she is a Hunhan shipper. She was moping because Luhan is so stupid and 'breaking up' with Sehun just like that because he looked back to see a cuter looking Xiumin /I'm a Xiumin bias/ /sorry for being selfish/ /yeah i'm not sorry/

So... Basically, we argued about this for days, and then I happened to listen to the song in the middle of the argument, and then BAM! I suddenly had this idea of writing a Hunhan fic. So amusing.

And the conclusion of this post is.... I will not continue writing "When It Rains" because of college and life, and I simply don't have any ideas how to continue the story. I'm really sorry. Deeply apologize.

Umi Sa'adah =]

Emergency Couple : The Oh!Couple


The first time I watch the drama, berasa “Christmas Wishes” minus the kid banget. This kind of drama sebenernya klise banget. Tapi karena dikasih bumbu orang ketiga di kedua sisi (tipikal K-Drama), jadinya makin kompleks dan makin dramatis. Like I said, tipikal K-Drama. Tapi entah kenapa asik aja ditontonnya. Bikin toes and fingers curl up gitu. Secara penyampaian keromantisan oleh Choi Jinhyuk kepada Song Jihyo itu bikin gregetan sekaligus cheesy banget. Atau mungkin itu karena Choi Jinhyuk aja sih, ya...

And because I’m going to talk about the Oh!Couple a.k.a leading characters, gue bakal ngobrolin soal relationship dua orang ini. Seperti yang udah gue bilang, mereka itu kayak Jongin & Kyungsoo di fancfiction “Christmas Wishes”. Mereka tahu mereka masih suka or care pada satu sama lain, because, well, they were once a thing. Spouses ya lebih tepatnya. But they went through a bad divorce, a really bad divorce, yang akhirnya bikin mereka jadi saling benci. Tapi sepanjang drama ini berjalan, mereka jadi makin deket (endingnya udah jelas tau pasti bakal kayak gimana jadi nggak perlu dibahas) dan makin menunjukkan ke-care-an mereka terhadap satu sama lain—tapi masih belum tahu ya, besok-besok gimana, secara masih episode 13.

Nah, masalahnya adalah, karena ini K-Drama, harus ada love interest lain. Love interest Oh Changmin udah pasti Han Ahreum, sedangkan Oh Jinhee love interest-nya sang kepala UGD, Guk Chunsoo. Kalo menurut gue sendiri, sebenernya awalnya Ahreum nggak begitu suka sama Changmin. Tapi karena emaknya Changmin gigih banget ngejodohin mereka, ya udah Ahreum-nya jadi suka sama si Changmin. Kalo dr. Guk sendiri, awalnya Cuma kayak boss-employee gitu. Cuma karena dia dikasih tahu Changmin kalo si Changmin suka sama Jinhee, ya dia jadi kayak ter-challenge untuk merebut hati Jinhee. Jadilah dr. Guk suka sama Jinhee (Changmin-nya juga sih, bego, pake bilang-bilang segala). Dan si Jinhee-nya sendiri juga jadi kesengsem sama ke-care-an dr. Guk (waeee???)

I’m being incredibly delusional about this.

Nah, karena dramanya juga masih on-going, analisis yang benernya bakal gue post waktu drama udah selesai. Sekitar bulan depan gitu. So, see you next month ya! Jangan lupa nonton Emergency Couple!

P.S. : What if there’s a really huge twist at the end of the drama? Like, Changmin will end up with dr. Guk instead of with Jinhee, or something like that? That will bring so much fun, though.

Umi Sa'adah =]

Long time no blogging

The title says everything.

I'm currently studying at a university, and that makes me a college student, and that means I'm going to be super busy. Besides, I have a tumblog too ( You can visit and tell me what you think. Gee, I totally forgot I have a blog. It might come in handy in the future tho, because I'm studying English Literature (finally!), doing and learning something I love.

Okay, skip that shit. I'm going to post something after this. Just wait, please!!

Umi Sa'adah =]